武汉纺织大学国际学生管理办法 Administrative Measures for International Students of Wuhan Textile University

作者:李靓 时间:2018-10-10 点击数:1133

总 则

General Rules


1. In order to promote the healthy and orderly development of international students' education in our university and strictly standardize the recruitment and management of foreign students, the measures are formulated in accordance with the Measures on the Management of Admission and Cultivation of International Students issued jointly by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Public Security (Decree No. 42).


2. The term international students as mentioned in the measure refers to foreign students holding foreign passports who have been approved by the State and the relevant departments of Hubei Province and who have enrolled in academic or non-academic education.

第三条 留学生应当遵守中国的法律、法令和有关规定。禁止一切危害中国国家主权或者安全,损害中国社会公共利益的行为。

3. International students should abide by Chinese laws, decrees and relevant regulations. Prohibition of all acts endangering China's national sovereignty or security and damaging the public interest of China's society.

第四条 留学生应当始终维护并不断增进与中国人民以及中国境内各国人民的友谊,尊重中国人民及中国境内各国人民的宗教信仰和传统习俗,尊重学校的教职员工。

4. International students should always maintain and constantly enhance their friendship with the Chinese people and the people of all countries in China and respect their religious beliefs and traditional customs as well as respecting the faculty and staff of the school.

第五条 留学生应当自觉维护社会公共秩序,校园教学和生活秩序,遵守学习纪律,努力完成学习任务。

5. International students should conscientiously maintain public order, campus teaching and living order, abide by learning discipline and strive to complete their learning tasks.

一章 管理体制

Chapter 1 Management System


6. The School of International Education is responsible for the formulation of relevant systems for the management of international students. It is responsible for the enrollment, daily management, dormitory management and service, cultural exchanges and cultural experience, the teaching arrangement and organization of Chinese refresher courses and related foreign-related affairs of all kinds of international affairs in the school, as well as coordinating with other departments in the management of international students.


7. International Office, Graduate Student Office, Academic Affairs Office, Security Department, Logistics Group and other departments will work together with the School of International Education for the management and safety of international students.

第八条 相关培养单位负责留学生教学、实习实践的实施和管理,协助国际教育学院做好留学生有关管理工作。

8. The relevant training schools are responsible for the implementation and management of the teaching and internship practice of students, and assisting the School of International Education in the management of international students.

第二章 招生和录取

Chapter 2 Enrollment and Admission.



9. The education of international students in our university mainly includes academic education and non academic education.

Academic education includes undergraduate and postgraduate education, and non-academic education includes such programs as Chinese language students and intercollegiate exchange students.


10. Our university may recruit students at their own expense who meet the requirements for admission, or recruit students through legal intermediaries.

第十一条 国际教育学院负责制定留学生招生计划,发布招生简章,按规定招收留学生,并报送相关部门审批录取。

11. The School of International Education is responsible for formulating the enrollment plan for international students, issuing the enrollment brochures, enrolling international students as required, and submitting to relevant departments for examination and approval.

第三章 报到和注册

Chapter 3 Registration

第十二条 报到:留学生须严格按照录取通知书规定的时间报到,超过两周未报到者,取消录取资格。如有特殊情况在非报到时间到校者,须经国际教育学院同意后,自行前往学校。

12. Reporting Arrival: International students must report strictly according to the time stipulated in the admission notice. If they fail to report more than two weeks, they will be disqualified. In special cases, those who arrive at the school at non-registration time must go to the school by themselves with the consent of the School of International Education.

第十三条 资格审查:国际教育学院应严格复核新生的入学资格和条件,审查所提交的材料的真实性和完整性。对材料缺漏、不实或经复核发现其他不符合入学条件的,取消其录取资格。

13. Qualification Examination: The School of International Education shall strictly review the admission qualifications and conditions of freshmen and examine the authenticity and completeness of the materials submitted. If the material is missing, false or do not meet the requirements for admission through rechecking, the qualifications shall be cancelled.

第十四条 注册:留学生须在每学期规定的报到之日起一周内携带学生证到培养单位注册。若不能按时报到,必须事先提供有效的延迟注册申请,否则任何拖延注册行为将作旷课处理。未经许可,两周内仍不能按时报到注册的学生将视为自动退学。

14. Registration: International students should bring their student ID card to the training unit within one week from the stipulated date of each semester. Those who fail to report on time must provide a valid application for delayed registration in advance, otherwise any delayed registration will be handled as a truancy. Without permission, students who fail to register on time within two weeks will be regarded as quit voluntarily.

章 请假、休学和复学

Chapter 4 Asking for leave, Suspending Schooling and Returning to School

第十五条 留学生必须遵守学习纪律,请病假或事假要按规定办理手续。




15. International students must abide by study discipline and ask for sick leave or business leave through the formalities according to relevant regulations.

(1) Leave of absence within two days should be permitted by the training school and the School of International Education. Leave of absence for three days or more must be in written form and obtained the consent of the training school and the School of International Education as well as being reported to the Graduate Office or the Academic Affairs Office for the record. A leave due to illness must be submitted with a hospital diagnosis.

(2) Those who fail to attend school without asking for a leave, leave without permission, leave not renewed or not granted a renewal shall be handled as truancy.

(3) Students should take a vacation according to the school calendar. Students are not allowed to take a vacation on the basis of their own country’s calendars and holidays and are not allowed to take leave while the school calendar is not scheduled for vacation. During the vacation period, leaving school for three or more days should be reported to the training school and the School of International Education.

第十六条 以下情况,留学生在研究生处或教务处办理休学:



16. Under the following circumstances, the international students will suspend their studies at the Graduate Student Office or the Academic Affairs Office.

(1) Absence for 1/3 term due to leave.

(2) Suspending schooling for other reasons approved by the school

第十七条 休学时间一般为一年,留学生累计休学时间不能超过两年。休学申请获批后,学生应在15天内离校。休学期间,停发奖学金。

17. The out of school time is usually one year, and the total amount can not exceed two years. After the application is approved, students should leave school within 15 days. Scholarship is suspended during suspension of schooling.

第十八条 学生应在休学期满前10个工作日向培养学院提出复学申请,经复查合格,研究生处或教务处批准后,方可复学。因病休学的学生复学时,应出示指定医院开具的健康证明,否则不准复学。

18. International students should make an application for restudy to the training school 10 working days in advance before the suspension is expired. They can resume their studies only after they have passed the re-examination and have been approved by the Graduate Student Office or the Academic Affairs Office. When returning to school after suspension for illness, students should show a health certificate issued by a designated hospital, otherwise they are not allowed to return to school.

第五章 退 学

Chapter 5 Quitting School

十九条 留学生有下列情形之一的,学校可予以退学处理:







19. If one of the following circumstances occurs, the student may be quitted from school:

(1) Failing to pass the examination of two degree courses in one semester, or one course failing the examination and still failing the re-examination after a make-up course;

(2) Unable to continue to study in school according to the diagnosis of illness or disability in a designated hospital;

(3) When the period of suspension or retention of a student's status expires, no application for re-enrollment is filed within the prescribed time limit of the school, or the application for re-enrollment is not qualified after re-examination, or the application for re-enrollment is approved but not registered within 2 weeks after the deadline;

(4) Failing to participate in the teaching activities prescribed by the school without a proper cause for two weeks without permission.

(5) Failing to complete their studies within a prescribed length of schooling;

(6) Unable to continue school because of personal reasons.

第六章 考勤管理

Chapter 6 Attendance Management

二十条 留学生参加教学活动和相关部门统一组织的其他活动,由相关部门实行考勤,考勤结果作为评优评先评选奖学金的参考依据。

20. The relevant departments shall implement attendance check for international students participating in teaching activities and other activities organized jointly by relevant departments. The attendance record will be used as the reference basis for the scholarship evaluation.

二十一条 因故不能按时参加教学活动的,应事先请假并获准。否则视为旷课。

21. Those who fail to participate in teaching activities on time should ask for leave in advance and obtain permission. Otherwise, it is regarded as truancy.

第二十二条 留学生一学期某门课程累计旷课超过教学时数三分之一者,不得参加本门课程的考试或考核。

22. Students who are absent from a course for more than one third of the teaching hours in a semester are not allowed to take examinations or tests of the course.

第二十三条 国际教育学院和培养单位对缺勤的留学生进行约谈和警示教育。

23. The School of International Education and the training schools conduct interviews and warning education for students who are absent from work.

第七章 实习

Chapter 7 Internship


Article 24: The off-campus teaching internship activities for international students in China refer to the off-campus internship activities organized and implemented by international students in accordance with the University's teaching plan.


Article 25: International students who engage in off-campus teaching internship activities in China shall meet the following conditions:


1. They must be degree-seeking students studying at Wuhan Textile University and have obtained a residence permit.


2. They must have a study residence permit with internship annotation.


3. They are not allowed to engage in off-campus internship activities in two or more units simultaneously.


4. The internship content should be related to their own study major and courses.


5. The students should be in their second year and the internship should not affect their normal participation in classes.


Article 26: Before participating in off-campus teaching internship, international students need to go through the internship registration procedures and have their residence permit annotated.


Article 27: If both the residence permit and internship annotation procedures are carried out at the same time, the fees will follow the residence permit standards, and the annotation procedures will be free of charge. For those who only need to handle the internship annotation separately, they need to pay the relevant fees to the relevant departments.


During the internship period, if there are situations such as passport renewal, replacement, or extension of residence permit, the internship activities do not need to be interrupted, but the registration procedures and the residence permit and internship annotation procedures need to be rehandled.


Article 28: Materials required for handling residence permit internship annotation:


1. Passport


2. Agreement (Contract) with the Intended Internship Unit


3. Internship Application Form for International Students of Wuhan Textile University


4. If the place of residence during the internship is off-campus, the "House Lease Contract" and other relevant materials should be attached. Note: International students should carry their passport and other relevant identity documents during the internship.


Article 29: Failure to handle the internship annotation or registration procedures as required by these regulations, or engaging in internship activities beyond the scope of time and units stated in the "Certificate of Off-Campus Internship for International Students of Wuhan Textile University", will be considered illegal employment. The exit and entry administration department at all levels in this city shall impose penalties on illegal entities and individuals in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.


Article 30: For specific handling procedures, please refer to the "Handling Procedures for Internships of International Students in China".

第八章 毕业和学位

Chapter 8 Graduation and Degree

第三十条  留学生在规定的学习年限内按照培养计划完成学业,表现良好,修满规定积分(包括国际教育学院设置的阳光教育积分),准予毕业,授予毕业证书。

30. Students who complete their studies in accordance with the teaching plan within the prescribed length of study, perform well and complete the required points (including Sunshine Education Points set by the School of International Education), are allowed to graduate and awarded a degree

第三十一条 学位授予依照《武汉纺织大学普通本科毕业生学士学位授予办法》、《武汉纺织大学硕士学位授予细则》进行。

31. Degree awarding shall be conducted in accordance with the Measures for the Granting of Bachelor's Degree to General Graduates of Wuhan Textile University and the Detailed Rules for the Granting of Master's Degree of Wuhan Textile University

第三十二条 毕业生应当按国际教育学院当年规定的时间离校。需延期毕业的留学生,将自理相关费用,但仍须与正常毕业生同步办理毕业离校手续。

32. Graduates should leave school according to the time stipulated by the School of International Education. Students who need to postpone graduation will pay for their own expenses, but they still have to go through graduation procedures synchronously with normal graduates.

第九章 宿舍管理

Chapter 8 Dormitory Management

第三十三条 留学生在校就读期间由学校统一安排住宿。禁止留宿他人。

33. During the period of studying, the students’ accommodation is arranged by the school. No other people are allowed to stay.

第三十四条 留学生应爱护并合理使用宿舍及公共区域设施。损坏应承担相应赔偿。

34. Students should take care of and reasonably use facilities in dormitories and public areas. The damage shall be compensated accordingly.

第三十五条 切实维护宿舍消防安全,禁止在宿舍内使用大功率电器,禁止在宿舍及公共区域放置易燃易爆、有毒和有强腐蚀性的物品。

35. Dormitory fire safety should be earnestly safeguarded. It is forbidden to use high-power electrical appliances in dormitories and to place inflammable, explosive, poisonous and strongly corrosive articles in dormitories and public areas.

第三十六条 禁止在公共区域从事宗教活动。

36. Prohibition of religious activities in public areas

第十章 其 他

Chapter 10 Other Terms

第三十七条 留学生须在到校后两周内缴纳当年相关费用,若未按时缴纳,取消入学或注册资格。

37. International students are required to pay the relevant fees within two weeks of their arrival. If they fail to pay the fees on time, they will be disqualified for admission or registration.

第三十八条 留学生中途辍学、退学或被开除学籍者,该学期费用不退;中途入学者,须缴纳该学期的全额学费及相关费用。

38. Students who drop out of school, quit school or are expelled from school will not be charged a refund for the semester. Those who enter the school halfway will be required to pay the full tuition fee and related fees for the semester.

第三十九条 本办法自发布之日起施行,由国际教育学院负责解释。

39. The measures shall come into force on the date of promulgation, and shall be interpreted by the School of International Education.

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