According to the requirements of the Hubei provincial government policy, Wuhan Textile University is now conducting the selection of Hubei Provincial International Student Scholarship. The details are as follows:
I. Selection Participant and Types of Scholarships
Participant requirement: Non CSC scholarship students of grade 2022 can participate in this academic year's Hubei Provincial International Student Scholarship. Among them, students who have been absent for more than 1/3 of the classes and activities will be disqualified.Students who violate university rules and regulations will be disqualified from applying.
Duration of the scholarship: 2 years.
Quantity of the scholarship: 3 seats.
Types of Scholarships:
Full Scholarship (Stipend 1600yuan per month, insurance 800yuan per year exemption from tuition and accommodation) and half scholarship, exemption from tuition and accommodation) .
II. Selection Content
We will grade the students according to students' academic performance, attendance, learning attitude, activity performance, ideological and moral character in 2021/ 2022 academic year.
The training college focuses on the evaluation of major learning, scientific research activities, etc, the weight of the training college’s score is 50%;
IEC focuses on the evaluation of the comprehensive performance of law-abiding , activities, etc, with a scoring weight of 50%.
III. Selection Procedures and Schedule plan
1. 12月15日前,国际教育学院向评审对象发布武汉纺织大学湖北省外国留学生奖学金评选通知。
Before Dec 15, IEC will announce the Notice of Hubei Provincial International Student Scholarship Selection.
2. 12月17日前,符合条件的留学生向所在培养学院提交:武汉纺织大学国际学生奖学金申请表
Before Dec 17, students should carefully evaluate themselves, and apply to their departments by submitting the Application Form for WTU International Student Scholarship.
3. 12月19日前,培养学院结合导师意见,对学生进行打分评定,并将打分表提交至国际教育学院。同时,国际学院完成考核打分。
Before Dec 19, the training college score and evaluate the students according to the tutor’s opinions, then send the score form to IEC. At the meantime, IEC finish their evaluation work.
4. 12月21日前,国际学院会同研究生工作部、各培养学院研究出具最终的评审结果,公示3个工作日,并将评审结果提交分管校领导。
Before Dec 21, IEC in conjunction with the graduate office and training school, will publicize the final selection result, submit the selection result to the university president.
Students who would have the Hubei Provincial International Student Scholarship (Full Scholarship) will receive the stipend from next semester.
Contact: Alice
International Office (School of International Education)
International Education College
武 汉 纺 织 大 学 国 际 学 生 奖 学 金 申 请 表
Application Form for WTU International Student Scholarship
个人信息 Personal information |
姓 Family Name |
名 Given Name |
出生日期 Date of Birth |
性别 Gender |
国籍 Nationality |
学号 Student Number |
学院 School |
学习专业 Major |
本人在本学年内的表现情况如下 Summary of my performance in this academic year |
学习情况 Academic performance |
参加活动情况 Participation in activities |
本人签字Signature: 日 期Date: 年Year 月Month 日Day |
请不要超过1页纸 Please do not extend the form into more than 1 page.