Notice for WTU Comprehensive Review

作者: 时间:2018-04-17 点击数:

According to the Chinese governments requirement, WTU is going to conduct comprehensive review from 2017.09 to 2018.04 on all international students. Comprehensive review result will considered to decide whether student can receive next years scholarship. Students graduating in 2019 are expelled from this review.


Comprehensive review is divided into four parts: morality (20), Academic (60), School Review (20), Extra-curriculum. More details please refer to <WTU Comprehensive Review System> excel file.

1.Morality is 20 points in total, adopting deduction mechanism. International Education College (IEC) has the final explanation rights.

2.Academic is 60 points in total. Each school will provide each student's average academic score calculated by the formula to IEC.

3.School Review is 20 points in total. It is based on student's Chinese culture and Chinese level, class attendance, scientific research participation and team spirit. Each school will provide it to IEC.

4.Extra-curriculum point is added by providing certificate from related parties. IEC has the final explanation rights.


Each monitor is in charge of the comprehensive review. Each student is responsible for providing certificates and checking their own comprehensive review result in time. If student fails to respond to this review in time, monitors are allowed to give them basic score without extra-curriculum points. The time arrangement for this review are as follows:

4.17-4.24 Monitor collects points and certificates from students and IEC.

4.24-4.29 Comprehensive review result goes public in QQ group. Students has the right to point out any irregularity in their result with proof to IEC. IEC reserves the final jurisdiction.


International Education College



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